10-day training program

Here is your 10 day training program.

Please take care if you know you have some painful or difficult areas of the body and resist the temptation to push too hard in the training. I have been teaching for many years and practising for almost 20. I have experienced how much further we can go, if you just don't push too hard. Also, you will see on the following program that I advise you to train for 2 days, rest for 1; then train for 3 days, rest for 1 and so on. It is very important to have these 'rest' days, as then is when your connective tissue will rehydrate and allow the body to recover.

Enjoy your training!


10 Day Program

Day 1. Watch and follow lesson 1:

- lohars 1-7 (x2)

- kalugal (straight leg) (16x2)

- horse (3x each leg)

- Vandaanam (first 2 steps only)

- kalugal 1x7

- fwd bend x3

Day 2. Watch and follow lesson 1:

(So today you will watch the same video as yesterday but increase the repetitions of some of the exercises. Please see below)

- lohars 1-7 (x2)

- kalugal (straight leg) (16x3)

- horse (3x each leg with 3 breathing hold on each)

- Vandaanam (first 2 steps only)

- kalugal 1x7

- fwd bends x3

Day 3: REST 

Day 4: Watch and follow lesson 2:

- lohars 1-12 (fwd123/fwd+rotation/lift leg/elbow roll/matrix arms)

- kalugal 1 (straight leg) (16x3)

- vadivu: horse (3x each leg with 3 breathing on each), 3x elephant and cat (if comfortable 2 min)

- chuvadu (linking): elephant -- cat -- elephant (3x)

- kalugal 1 x7

- fwd bends x3

Day 5: Watch and follow lesson 2:

- lohars 1-12 

- kalugal 1 (straight leg) (16x3)

- vadivu: horse (3x each leg with 5 breathing on each), 3x elephant (3x breathing) and cat (if comfortable 2 min)

- chuvadu (linking): elephant -- cat -- elephant (5x)

- kalugal 1 x7

- fwd bends x3

Day 6: Watch and follow lesson 2:

- lohars 1-12 

- kalugal 1 (straight leg) (16x3)

- vadivu: horse (3x each leg with 5 breathing on each), 3x elephant (3x breathing) and cat (if comfortable 3 min)

- chuvadu (linking): elephant -- cat -- elephant (7x)

- kalugal 1 x7

- fwd bends x3

Day 7: REST

Day 8: watch and follow lesson 3: 

- lohars 1 - 11 (new: dropdown) 

- ground exercise 1 (3x slowly)

- lohars 12-15 (5 (release lumbar / side2side)+ elbow roll/matrix arms

- kalugal 1 (add knee + toe extension) (16x3)

- vadivu: horse (3x each leg with 7 breathing on each), 3x elephant (5x breathing) and cat (if comfortable 5 min)

- Vandaanam (1st line i.e. link steps together) repeat: 3x

- kalugal 1 x7

- fwd bends x3

Day 9: watch and follow lesson 3: 

- lohars 1 - 11 (new: dropdown) 

- ground exercise 1 (4x slowly)

- lohars 12-15 (5 (releaselumbar/side2side)+ elbowroll/matrix arms

- kalugal 1 (add knee + toe extension) (16x4)

- vadivu: horse (3x each leg with 7 beathing on each), 3x elephant (5x breathing) and cat (if comfortable 5 min)

- Vandaanam (1st line i.e. link steps togther) repeat: 5x

- kalugal 1 x7

- fwd bends x3

Day 10: watch and follow lesson 3: 

- lohars 1 - 11 (new: dropdown) 

- ground exercise 1 (5x slowly)

- lohars 12-15 (5 (release lumbar/side2side)+ elbow roll/matrix arms

- kalugal 1 (add knee + toe extension) (16x4)

- vadivu: horse (3x each leg with 7 breathing on each), 3x elephant (5x breathing) and cat (if comfortable 5 min)

- Vandaanam (1st line i.e. link steps together) repeat: 5x

- kalugal 1 x7

- fwd bends x3

Congratulations on reaching the end of the 10-day program and Lesson 3 of the Level 1: First Foundations course.

If you would like to carry on to lessons 4-16 you can sign up as a silver member. Please click here to go to the sign up page.

We are currently offering part 1 of the SILVER pass for just $1!

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